LL.M First Semester
Paper I Jurisprudence I
Paper II Constitutional Law – I
Paper III Indian Legal History
Paper IV Interpretation of Statutes133
LL.M Second Semester
Paper I Jurisprudence II
Paper II Constitutional Law – II
Paper III Indian Legal History
Paper IV Research Methodology
LL. M Third and Fourth Semesters
Group A Constitutional Law
Group B Criminal Law
Group C Business Laws
Group D Labour Laws
Group E International Law
Group F Family Laws
Regulation III
The seminar paper shall be evaluated by the Head of the
Department and the teacher concerned. The seminar will be
open to all the teachers of the Faculty.
Regulation IV
For the purposes of dissertation in fourth Semester‟s
candidate shall:
(i) furnish at least 10 copies of the synopsis of the topic
of research at the commencement of the fourth
(ii) Choose the topic for dissertation of current
(iii) Submit the dissertation within one year from the
date of commencement of the fourth semester
classes. However, the Dean may extend the period
of submission of the dissertation on the
recommendation of the concerned supervisor and
the Head of the upto 6 months.
Regulation V
The scheme for determining division shall be as follows:
Percentage of marks Division
75% or more Distinction
60% or more but First Division
less than 75%
50% or more but less than 60% Second
The candidate is required to obtain 50% marks in each
paper and in aggregate for qualifying the semester
Provided that deficiency of 1% marks required for first or
second division shall be condoned for purpose of placing a
candidate in the first or second division, as the case may be.
Regulation VI
The breakup of marks in theory, dissertation, viva-voce and
seminar paper shall be as under:
Viva Voce -
Viva voce of
Max. Marks
First 400 25 Nil Nil 40 465
Second 400 25 Nil Nil 40 465
Third 400 25 Nil Nil 40 465
Fourth 300 25 100 50 30 505135
Regulation VII
(1) In Research Methodology course, the students are
expected to develop a scientific approach to sociolegal problems. They should be able to design and
execute small scale research problems.
(2) The practical skill in conducting research will be
evaluated on the basis of their performance in the
workshop/ seminar. Each student shall be required
to submit a term paper before the commencement of
the examination of that semester. The term paper
shall be evaluated by a team comprising of teacher
in charge, Head of the Department and Dean of the
Faculty. In case Head and Dean being one person,
next senior teacher will be the third evaluator. The
evaluation shall be done jointly. The workshop/
seminar will be open to all the teacher of the
Regulation VIII
The viva-voce of the student in dissertation shall be
conducted by the examiner (who evaluated the dissertation)
and the Head of the Department and the supervisor. In case
the said examiner is unable to conduct the viva-voce
examination, the viva-voce may be conducted by any other
examiner of the panel. The viva-voce will be open to all the
teachers of the Faculty.
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